Naciones Celtas III, Fonofolk - DD8004, Espagne, 1999.
plage Orion sur cette compilation: The Road to Ballyheigue/Fernando's Rambles/Jigging
through the Alps (extrait de l' album Restless Home).
Autres artistes inclus sont e.a. Donal Lunny, Battlefield Band, Wolfstone, Patrick
Street, Maire Brennan, La Lugh, Lunasa, Susana Seivane, Four Man and A Dog,
Davy Spillane, Sharon Shannon, Kathryn Tickell, Loreena Mc Kennitt, La Bottine
Souriante, Nathalie Mc Master, Ashley Isaac, Alain Genty, Cherish The Ladies,
Kila, ...
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